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GK questions common questions by research studys

 General knowledge 

1. Who drafted the Indian Constitution?

Ans:- Drafting Committee of the Constituent                       Assembly.

2. When did India become a 'Republic' and when did the Constitution come into force? 
    Ans:-  26th January 1950

3. Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee and who is known as the 'Father of Indian Constitution'? 

    Ans:- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

4. What is our National Emblem? 

  Ans:-  Four Lions of Sarnath

5. Who designed our India's National Flag and when was it adopted?

Ans:-  Pingali Venkayya in 1916 designed our National Flag and it was adopted on 22nd July 1947.

6.What do the Colours of our National Flag

 Ans:-  a) Safron Courage

             b) Green  Prosperity 

             c) White peace

              d) In the middle is the Ashok Chakra with                        24 Spokes signifying the 'Wheel of                               Progress'.

7. What does the Sanskrit word 'Mahatma' mean?

Ans:-  'A Great Soul'

8. What is B.C and A.D.?

Ans:- B.C. means before the birth of Christ. A.D.                   means Anno Domini means in the year of                the Lord the birth of Christ. A.D.                   means Anno Domini means in the year of                the Lord

9. Name some important Revolutions?

Ans:-   a) French Revolution (1789)

            b) American Revolution (1775)

            c) Russian Revolution (1917)

10. When did the Second World War Come to an end?

11. What is the currency of India and what is its
Ans:-  Indian rupee

12. What is the currency of America?

ans:- U.S. dollar

13. What is the currency of Europe?

Ans:- Euro

14. What is the currency of Great Britain?

Ans:- Pound Sterling

15. Who was the first Indian/ Asian to win the Nobel Prize and for which book?

Ans:- Rabindranath Tagore for his Gitanjali (both

          English and Bengali)

          "Devotion to God"

           Gitanjali is an "offering of Songs


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