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canadian shield region Location and boundary

 canadian shield region 

on The north-east part of north america exists an ancient eroded plateau of hard rock known as canadian sheild. This v shaped shield extends in the northern part of canada, surrounding hudson bay. there are shield regions all over the world. Among them cnadian shield is the largest. Canadian shield is also called laurentian plateau.

Location and boundary 

Area: 2471000 Sq km

Location: canadian shield extends from 55degeer west longitude [in the east ] to 120 degeer wast longitude [in the west] and 45degeer northlatitude [form to south] to 82degeer north latitude [in the north].

Boundary:labrador highland lies to the east of the shield region. Great Bear, great slave.athabasca and winnipeg lakes form the western boundary. 

pyhsography ana drainage:

Canadian Shield region is part of  worid most ancient land mass. it is made from granite and gneiss. hence has a hard.

Climate and Natural Vegetation:

The northern part of the shield region is under the severely cold Tundra climate. Here, for about seven months temperature remains below freezing point. Due to heavy snowcover, it is almost impossible to carry out regular activities and transportation. Summer is too short, temperature does not rise too much, about 10°C average. Rainfall is scanty and occurs mostly during summer. Total annual rainfall is less than 40 cm. No large trees can not exist except moss, lichen, algae and small shrubs in the north of shield region due to such climatic condition.


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