canadian shield region on The north-east part of north america exists an ancient eroded plateau of hard rock known as canadian sheild. This v shaped shield extends in the northern part of canada, surrounding hudson bay. there are shield regions all over the world. Among them cnadian shield is the largest. Canadian shield is also called laurentian plateau. Location and boundary
What Is Classfication of waste (1) Solid waste, (2) Liquid waste, (3) Gaseous waste, (4) Toxic waste, (5) Non-Toxic waste:-
Classfication of waste: Depending upon the physical states, there are five types of wastes (1) Solid waste, (2) Liquid waste, (3) Gaseous waste, (4) Toxic waste, (5) Non-Toxic waste:- (1) Solid waste: It is the solid portions of the discarded materials. It includes mainly domestic or household wastes like,kitchen waste with leftover cooked food, plastic, empty bottles, cans, broken glasses, discarded tyres,tubes, building rubbish, fly ash, carbon dust including various industrial wastes. (2) Liquid waste: Fluids as waste water, fats, oils or grease (FOG), used oil, excess manure, hazardous household liquids, sewage effluents etc., are categorized as liquid wastes. (3) Gaseous waste: It includes uncontained airborne emissions and effluents, that may consist of particulate matter,dust, fumes, gas, mist, smoke, vapour or any combination. Examples of gaseous waste are particulate dust, gas flaring, lime dust, cigarette fumes, asbestos dust, waste gases and acid fu...